The Connection Between Hormones and Skin Health

Our hormones can have a significant effect on our skin, as you may already be aware if you have ever had the dreaded “period breakout” just before your monthly cycle. However, did you know that hormones can affect the condition of our skin at any point in our lives? The truth is that numerous skin issues can arise throughout menopause, pregnancy, and your period due to varying hormone levels.

It will be easier for you to prepare for and, if necessary, address skin changes if you know what to anticipate. Let’s first examine the particular hormones that may have an effect on the condition of our skin. Comprehending the impact of hormones on skin health is essential to grasping the complex correlation between hormonal dysregulation and dermatological ailments.

What are Hormones?

Created by the endocrine glands, hormones are chemical messengers that enter the bloodstream and travel to different parts of the body to affect different organs and tissues. Growth and development, metabolism, reproduction, and the stress response are just a few of the many physiological processes that hormones are essential in controlling. Modifications in gene expression, enzyme activity, and other biological activities result from their interaction with certain receptors on target cells.

Hormone Effects on the Health of Your Skin

Let’s look at some of the hormones that can influence skin health:

  • Estrogen – is necessary to preserve the moisture content, thickness, and formation of collagen in the skin. Estrogen levels decrease with age, making our skin less elastic, dryer, and thinner.
  • Testosterone – It is mostly produced in men, while minor levels are also present in women. Sebum production can be stimulated by testosterone, which can result in oily skin and acne.
  • Progesterone – Acne and oily skin might result from this hormone’s increased production of oil in the skin.
  • Cortisol – When under stress, the adrenal glands release cortisol. Excessive cortisol levels can exacerbate skin disorders like eczema and acne by causing inflammation.
  • Thyroid hormones – These hormones have an impact on hair growth and skin hydration. While hyperthyroidism (high thyroid hormone levels) can result in oily skin and hair, hypothyroidism (low thyroid hormone levels) can cause dry, thinning skin and hair loss.
  • Growth hormone – This hormone is necessary for thicker skin and the synthesis of collagen. Our skin may become less elastic and thinner as we get older and our growth hormone levels drop.

Hormonal abnormalities generally have a big effect on skin health. Seeking advice from one of our Dermatology Providers can help you identify whether hormones are a possible cause of your skin issues.

How Women’s Hormones Affect the Skin at Different Stages

Hormones play a major role in a woman’s skin during different phases of her life, including menstruation, pregnancy, and menopause. This is not surprising to most women. However, are there any steps you may take to support your skin during these changes? 

  • Menstrual cycle: Hormone fluctuations that occur during the menstrual cycle can cause skin changes. For instance, the early half of the cycle is when estrogen levels are highest, which might lead to more even skin tone and clearer skin. On the other hand, progesterone levels rise in the second half of the cycle, which can lead to sensitive skin, acne, and oilier skin. It’s crucial to keep up a regular skin care regimen all month long to promote the health of your skin. 
  • Pregnancy: During pregnancy, hormone levels, especially those of progesterone and estrogen, rise dramatically. This can result in a number of skin changes, such as skin darkening, acne, stretch marks, increased sensitivity, and in certain situations, clearer skin! Using goods that are safe to use while pregnant is imperative. Sunscreen, moisturizers, and mild cleansers may fall under this category. Before beginning any new skin care regimen, see your provider and stay away from harsh chemicals. 
  • Post-pregnancy: Hormone levels might change after childbirth as the body adjusts to life before pregnancy. Changes in the skin, including dryness, outbreaks of acne, and hyperpigmentation, may follow from this. If you’re nursing, know which products are appropriate to use and keep up your mild skincare regimen that includes moisturizing and SPF protection. 
  • Menopause: Estrogen levels fall during menopause. Changes in the skin, such as dryness, thinning skin, wrinkles, and age spots, may result from this. Make use of skin care products that aid in nourishing and moisturizing the skin. Sun protection is essential for halting additional skin damage. Make use of sunscreen with at least 30 SPF. Menopausal skin and hair can be taken care of with this useful advice from the American Academy of Dermatology. 

In every situation, it’s important to maintain a healthy lifestyle, which includes eating a balanced food, drinking plenty of water, and getting enough sleep. These elements also affect how the skin looks and feels.

Treating hormonal acne naturally

In addition to getting enough sleep and lowering your stress levels, there are some other things that can promote good skin. 

  • Diet – Fruit and vegetable-rich diets are excellent for your skin. Additionally, it’s critical to ensure that you consume adequate omega-3 fats, which can be found in oily fish, as these can help lower inflammation and maintain better skin. 
  • Supplements – Certain individuals discover that taking zinc or omega-3 supplements helps lessen acne. 
  • Exercise – Exercise lowers stress and aids with hormone regulation. Try to work out for thirty minutes five times a week. 
  • Tea tree oil – Tea tree oil has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Tea tree oil is available in skin care products or as an essential oil; always dilute the latter before usage. 
  • Alpha hydroxy acid – Alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs) help clear your skin of dead cells, which prevents clogged pores. If you use AHAs, be sure to apply a broad-spectrum sunscreen because AHAs increase your skin’s sensitivity to sunlight.

Why Choose Gangnam Theme Dermatology

Hormonal balance must undoubtedly be maintained for the best possible skin health. A balanced diet, consistent exercise, proper sleep hygiene, and efficient stress management can help you achieve this. Skin health management also greatly benefits from regular skin care regimens. Hormonal skin disorders can be effectively managed by using skin care products that are appropriate for your skin type and concern, taking into account the hormonal changes that occur at different phases of life.

The good news is that you don’t need to handle things by yourself. Theme Dermatology Clinic can be your partner in this journey. Our skilled team of medical professionals at Theme Dermatology Clinic has years of experience treating acne, and they are eager to assist you in getting the skin you’ve always desired. With three board-certified dermatologists with extensive expertise, Gangnam Theme Dermatology is one of the oldest dermatology practices in Gangnam, Seoul, South Korea. It can be found right between Sinnonhyeon and Gangnam Stations, in the center of the famous Gangnam neighborhood.

With an extensive experience of over 20 years in dermatology, our team of specialists is highly regarded for their expertise and unwavering commitment to excellence. Over more than 20 years, the clinic cared for patients with various skin issues and types. They can assist you with acne, pigmentation, anti-aging (lifting), scars, and other skin issues. Also, among Korean clients, they are one of the most well-known skin clinics. The variety of services they offer and their knowledge of skin issues will satisfy you.

Gangnam Theme Dermatology Booking Information

The clinic can be found at 423 Gangnam-daero, Seocho-gu, Hanseung Building, 7th Floor, Seoul, South Korea. To reach out directly, dial +821094839974 on WhatsApp and Kakao. Sending a message to Gangnam Theme Dermatology will allow you to talk about your concerns, make an appointment, or receive an online consultation. Send an email to [email protected]. You can also look through everything and ask questions on the Gangnam Theme Dermatology website by clicking this link:


The creation of hyaluronic acid, collagen, and elastin is stimulated by estrogen, which keeps the skin tight and lush. Progesterone activates the skin's oil glands, which produce sebum. It may result in skin edema and a compressed appearance of pores.

Changes in hormone levels can have an impact on the synthesis of collagen, inflammation, oil production, and general look of the skin.

In addition to improving our overall health, oxytocin also makes skin look younger and more vibrant. Stress levels drop when we feel loved and connected, which promotes better skin health. Thus, don't be scared to give someone a hug or to spend time with the people that make you happy.


It’s crucial to remember that although hormonal impacts may have a part in many skin disorders, these problems are frequently complex and can also be influenced by other factors like heredity, environmental triggers, and lifestyle decisions. Therefore, it is recommended to speak with a healthcare provider if you are worried about the condition of your skin or think that hormone imbalances may be impacting it. They can assess your particular case and offer suitable advice and treatment choices.

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