How does Sensitive Skincare (Facial treatment) work?

Having sensitive skin is quite bothersome because you need to be careful in using skin care products as it irritates the skin. Anything that you do – washing your face, using serum, using toners, your skin gets irritated.

Getting a proper skincare treatment is recommended by our doctors at Theme Dermatology to address any skin reactions. Fortunately, we have a Sensitive Skincare Treatment which is perfect for anyone who has sensitive skin.

Keep on reading and find out more about what you can expect from getting a Sensitive Skincare Treatment and see if this treatment is right for you.

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Having sensitive skin is a common condition but is not a serious medical diagnosis. About 60-70% of women and 50-60% of men are reported to have sensitive skin.

The term ‘sensitive skin’ is used to describe skin that is prone to certain reactions such as inflammation, itchiness, stinging, burning, redness, or tightness – usually caused by application of cosmetics and personal skin care products. These skin reactions are very treatable and may require a consultation with a dermatologist.

Signs of sensitive skin can be caused by a number of factors such as dehydration, cosmetic products, environment, or an underlying condition. Some signs of sensitive skin include:

  • Rough, flaky patches
  • Redness
  • Peeling skin
  • Wrinkled
  • Swelling
  • Open sores or yellow crust over the skin

Sensitive Skincare Treatment

The sensitive skincare treatment is suitable for people who have very sensitive skin or skin that is prone to allergy. It is also suitable for people who are experiencing a rash or sudden skin reaction.

Several different steps are done to calm down your skin from any inflammation. Part of the treatment is using soothing gels and serum which help in relaxing the skin and treating inflammation. Even people with the most sensitive skin types are perfect for this treatment.


Cleansing is the first thing to do in the treatment. It is better to use lukewarm water than hot water in cleaning your face, especially for people with sensitive skin. 


After cleansing, 2 different soothing masks will be used on your face for a relaxing treatment: 1 mummy mask and 1 soothing diatomaceous earth mask. Both masks cools and calm down inflamed skin.


Moisturizing is a very important step in making sure your skin’s moisture barrier is maintained and helps in preventing environmental damage to your skin. One of the signs of sensitive skin is having dry and flaky skin. Moisturizing the skin can reduce the chance of developing dryness and oiliness. It is also necessary to help maintain a healthy and younger-looking skin.

LED Healing light (laser) will be used in this treatment to calm down your skin through scientifically proven LED light therapy. We will apply both recovery cream and sunscreen as the last steps of the treatment.

Who is suitable for the Sensitive Skincare Treatment?

The Sensitive Skincare Treatment is best suitable for people who have:

  • Flushing or redness on skin
  • A sudden rash or allergy
  • Skin prone to allergy
  • Very sensitive skin
  • Rosacea / Eczema / Psoriasis

How many times do you need to receive the Sensitive Skincare Treatment?

To achieve the best results, our doctors recommend getting the Sensitive Skincare Treatment once every 1~2 weeks.

This procedure is very popular for people with very sensitive skin because it has no downtime – which means you can proceed with your normal daily activities right after the procedure.

However, you might be required to take a medication prescribed by one of your doctors to help your skin even after the treatment.


In summary, sensitive skin is a very common skin concern but is not a serious medical condition. Sensitive skin is used to describe skin that is prone to certain reactions such as inflammation, itchiness, stinging, burning, redness, or tightness. These skin reactions are very treatable and may require a consultation with a dermatologist.

Fortunately, we have a Sensitive Skincare Treatment that is best suitable for people with very sensitive skin, allergy skin, a sudden rash, flushing or redness on the skin, Rosacea, Eczema, and Psoriasis. Several different steps such as cleansing, soothing and moisturizing are done to cool and calm down any inflammation on the skin.

We recommend getting the treatment once every 1~2 weeks to achieve the best results. There is no downtime after this procedure.

If you think this treatment is right for you, contact us now at Theme Dermatology to get your started.

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