Thread Lifting

Thread Lifting

Thread lifting involves a surgeon inserting thin threads into the face through tiny incisions in the recommended area. These threads are then attached to the skin tissue and pulled back to help lift and smoothen the face. The results will be seen immediately and can improve the look as the surgeon works. Once you are satisfied with the look the threads are then knotted, becoming hidden underneath the skin. With the scarring being virtually invisible.
You can come back to your daily life after a day or two with this procedure. Swelling, redness, and feelings of stretching of the skin may be experienced for a couple of weeks. The patient will slowly recover in the third and fourth week after the procedure. Make sure to follow the aftercare procedure for a faster recovery.
Furthermore, we have a very experienced doctor who made hundreds of surgical thread lifting procedures in the past and is one of the experts in this kind of procedure in Korea. So you don’t have to worry about anything during the procedure, you’re in good hands.